Carl Maria von Weber
Chamber Music for Flute

Kazunori SEO (flute)
Shohei UWAMORI (cello)
Makoto UENO (piano)


瀬尾 和紀(フルート)
上森 祥平(チェロ)
上野 真(ピアノ)

Carl Maria von WEBER (1786-1826)

  1. Sonata in A flat major, Op.39, J.199
  2. Grand Duo Concertantin E flat major, Op.48, J.204
  3. Trio in g minor, Op.63, J.259

Recording :

28-30 November 2017
The Grand Auditorium, Mie Centre for the Arts, Tsu, Japan


Carl Maria von Weber’s achievements as a composer were considerable and influential, demonstrating new possibilities in opera and orchestration, particularly in the handling of wind instruments. His attractive, lyrical style is ideal for the making of arrangements, and the impressive and beautifully proportioned Flute Sonata is a virtuoso masterpiece, as is the operatic Grand Duo Concertant. There is a feeling of solemnity in the G minor Trio, an unusual work with an enigma at its heart: the song-like Schafer’s Klage or ‘Shepherd’s lament’? the origins of which remain a source of conjecture.


輸入盤国内仕様:日本語解説付き(西村 祐)